About Us

Our Conquest Is the Sea of Stars.


Our Approach

As an independent Chicago-based advertising agency, we take a unique approach to our business – and yours. Setting aside agency-speak, here’s a brief intro into that process.

Huh? We believe that you need to fully define the goals of your advertising before you can create an effective and cost-effective strategy. That’s why when you work with LKH&S, we begin by defining your goals, and then we drill down as far as we can to get to know your business, its history, successes, failures, and more to help you achieve them. We ask lots of questions. Lots of them. Because that’s the only way to find the right answers.

Every ad agency talks about the power of brands. And, they’re right. But, it takes a lot of work and experience to build a brand, nurture it, define it, defend it, and capitalize on it. Luckily, at LKH&S we’ve done just that for a lot of different brands. And, we’re ready to do it for yours.

Every ad agency talks about the power of brands. And, they’re right. But, it takes a lot of work and experience to build a brand, nurture it, define it, defend it, and capitalize on it. Luckily, at LKH&S we’ve done just that for a lot of different brands. And, we’re ready to do it for yours.

We hate those guys. And, we’re going to do everything we can to make them regret that they didn’t hire us first. So, as part of our research, we take a long, hard look at the competitive landscape to figure out what your competitors are saying, their strengths, weaknesses, and the advantages or disadvantages of their products and services. The goal is to come up with a plan that allows us to outflank them, without necessarily outspending them.

There is no panacea, no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to a marketing challenge. But, together, we’ll find the right answers. So, what’s right for you? Broadcast? Print? Direct marketing? Social media? Digital advertising? A killer website? Lead generation? Direct sales? Brand building? All of the above? None of the above? Fortunately, LKH&S has experience doing all of these things.

It also pays to take risks (informed risks). It pays to be creative and try new things. It pays to remember that great advertising isn’t determined by a budget, but by building your brand. It pays to be true to your values. It pays to value experience and to find partners as committed to your success as you are. And, of course, that’s us.


Our Story

We Started In The Back Of A Chicago Type House.

Remember those? It was 1992. There were no iPhones, no iPads, no Google, no Twitter. There was, however, LKH&S. Founded by four advertising veterans who believed, as most entrepreneurs do, that there had to be a better way. A better way to create advertising. A better way to serve clients. A better way to do business.

Over two decades later, that better way has kept us in business. And, over the years, we’ve worked on some of America’s best brands, working with – and employing – some great people.

While technology and the marketplace have changed, our vision and our mission haven’t.

Our Vision

Our Mission

We believe that success in today’s marketplace depends on connecting clients with consumers, and that everything we do, every program we develop, and every ad we create must be designed to establish a connection between our clients and consumers that is actionable, meaningful and profound.



(Yep, it’s that simple.)

Our Talents

Whatever the medium, whatever the discipline, LKH&S offers clients a wealth of experience and a broad array of talents. To simply note that we conceive and produce everything from websites to print ads, commercials to collateral, trade show booths to Facebook pages, digital ads to direct mail packages, doesn’t fully convey what we can offer you.


Ultimately, our talents are focused on:


From consumer brands to B2B, LKH&S can help you define your brand and carry its message to the marketplace.

Building Relationships

Through social media, customer service programs, or newsletters and publications, LKH&S can help you build customer loyalty and engagement.


If you’re looking for leads for a sales force, a dealership, or a brand, LKH&S can help you find them – efficiently, effectively and affordably.


LKH&S has helped companies large and small create not just awareness in the marketplace, but true impact that translates into sales.

Knowing The Customer

The LKH&S knowledge management process includes qualitative and quantitative practices and data analytics to identify patterns and find opportunities for you.

Managing The Media

Whether it’s building cost-effective media plans, or influencing and engaging customers through Public Relations, LKH&S has the ability to help you do it all.

Thinking Outside The Box

The expected, the ordinary, the tried-and-true don’t work anymore – if you’re looking for innovative solutions to your unique challenges, you need to take a closer look at LKH&S.

Advertising Inside A Box

(Good ol’ Direct Mail)
Of course, when it comes to proven advertising disciplines, like direct mail, the team at LKH&S has done it all – and can do it for you.

Meet Core Team

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